sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019

Hello! I am looking for 04 talented designers for our challenges in Rabisco Challenge . If you are interested, please send your information, experience, and 3 of your best projects to me at in claudiasmrtns@gmail.com. Please put "DT CALL - Rabisco Challenge" in the subject bar. I am looking for creative, devoted, motivated, supportive, positive people. Journal creators, cardmakers, mixed media artists, crafters...all are welcome to apply.

Um comentário:

  1. Hi there, I'm not applying for a DT position but ..... I'm a list manager for the blog Challenges For Days and we'd love to list your challenge. I've picked most of the information I need from your rules but I'm not sure which list to put you on as you seem to post your challenge on different days and dates. If you would like us to list your challenge then please visit our blog and leave us a comment identifying your blog and clarifying your posting day or date.
    Many thanks
    Kathy Kirby - list manager
